Tuesday 1 June 2010


I seem to be going through a patch of vagueness at the moment.  Not really getting anywhere...
I'm probably going to refocus for a bit and concentrate solely on getting some nice, decent pieces together rather than lots of little bits here, there and everywhere.
However, on a good point, I'm now on page 81 of the 1st draft of the screenplay. Loads of work to do on it, but the general bits are sort of falling into place. I think.
Also, working on a 6 part comedy thingie - tis a collaborative project, which I've never done before and is rather exciting! Loads and loads and loads of work to do on that.
The backburner project (which has been kicking around since last year and was my first project,) is rumbling around in the back of my head again and trying to squeeze itself out. I have a vague plan of what I want to do with that... Maybe.

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